Thursday, September 4, 2014

From Shri Shri 3

Wisdom Dawns
September 19 2014
Raising your Prana...
With this knowledge (Spiritual Path) I tell you, you will never drown in this world. Increase your Sattva and just move on. “
- Sri Sri
"How to transform lower energy into higher energy
1) Remember your death. It can happen any moment. The very remembrance transforms lower into higher energy.
2) Knowing your true nature you are space not this body.. Soaking in knowledge.
3) Dissolving all names and forms
4) Whatever you are attracted to see them as forms of the divine. See divinity in the hearts of your attractions. Wanting to posses will go down..Lust transforms to love
5) Dance and sing… immediately energy rises up.
6) STOP talking about worldly things with other people..
Hey how abt you !!Do u have a girlfriend.. this unnecessary thing that you indulge in talking about other people’s life is the worst thing that pulls all your energy down.
In front of me you talk knowledge but when you go away you indulge in all this unnecessary talk. All this unnecessary worldly talk collectively lowers everyone’s energy.

Go and sit in the burial ground..look into the dead bodies and see how energy goes up. If you don’t realize this now.. But thinking about lust all the time is Mithyachara. This is not advisable. Then you are not MATURE for this path. Go out in the world, finish it all up and then come. But let me tell you it will never end..Coz its the same energy that is going to be low or high..
Also Don’t blame yourself. Don’t resist… follow any of the six ways shared above to transform your energy.

Make it a point that for Anybody who talks about things that bring your energy down, ie Samsara.. Worldly talk. Immediately cut them off. Don’t even talk to them. Turn your face around. Becaus their very energy can affect your body and your way of thinking.

Be Curt. Don’t be shy and don’t be too polite. Otherwise you are very polite…o I don’t want to annoy this person and They will never stop. They will just go on. I have never given such a strong talk like this…

With this knowledge (Spiritual Path) I tell you, you will never drown in this world. Increase your Sattva and just move on. “

- Sri Sri

Wisdom Dawns
September 16 2014
When you strongly desire something, simply believe it is going to happen. Simply know that the giver is so compassionate, and you will get what you desire if it is best for you. This faith, ‘The giver is going to grant me what is the best for me’, does the job!"

- Sri Sri


"If you hate someone too much you will have no freedom from them. You will be born with them or they will be born to you. Then you are stuck with them for your lifetime; not only this lifetime but even the next lifetime. So it is better that you make peace and be happy with them so that you get freedom.

Suppose you hate your mother-in-law and she hates you, and she dies or you die, both of you are going to come back to finish the score again! I tell you, it is going to be tougher the next time, much tougher. It is better you swallow the bitter pill or whatever their tendencies are and forgive them and give only joy. Be compassionate and stop hating people."

Wisdom Dawns

How can we know, according to astrology, that we are going through an obscure time in our life? How long does the planet Saturn affect someone?

Sri Sri : Astrology is a science pertaining to the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm. It speaks about how the far away planets like Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto are connected to our planet, our human existence, and the entire creation, ranging from birds to grains to stones.
The ancient people had found a connection between the planets and our body. For example, Saturn is connected to our teeth, and legs; the Sun is connected with our eyes. They also saw the connection with different grains, birds and stones in the universe. Saturn is connected with sesame seeds, crows and blue sapphires.

In today’s age, we can find out how big the universe is with the help of powerful binoculars and telescopes. However, the ancient people knew about it at that time (when there were no telescopes), and they wrote all about it. All their calculations are in place and are accurate even today. They have written the time (including seconds) when the eclipse will happen; it is amazing. Astrology as a science has not been explored very well in this modern age.

Yes, Saturn affects people’s lives. If you are undergoing a particular Saturn period, the period is going to affect you and your mind. However, does Saturn always affect us in a bad way? No! Don't think that the Saturn period is always bad. Saturn is a very spiritual planet.

If you are on the spiritual path, he (Saturn) can be good for you, he will elevate your life. If you have dispassion, he will help you more. If you are not on the spiritual path, he will create a problem so that you get on the spiritual path.
If you are caught up in the worldly life, he will trouble you so you get out of there and find the bigger wealth inside you. If you are too attached to something, Saturn will try to remove that attachment and push you. This is what happens to most people: they lose their job, relationship, reputation, they lose everything. Then they start searching, trying to figure out where to go? And then they come to the spiritual path!

So, Saturn will either give you inner wealth or outer wealth. If you are stuck to the outer wealth, he will push towards inner wealth. If you have inner wealth, he will give you outer wealth. He will give you more things outside.

Saturn takes 30 years to take one circle around the Sun, so it stays for around 2.5 years in each constellation or zodiac sign. The period can extend up to 5 years or 7.5 years. This is why people feel so desperate; they have a problem with their relationship, money, job, all sorts of problems for 2.5 years to 7.5 years.
It is a common saying in India, if someone is undergoing a big problem they say, ‘Saade Satti’, which means a person is undergoing a Saturn period of 7.5 years. (For little lesser problems, they say ‘dhaiya’, which means it is a Saturn period of 2.5 years.)

A Saturn period comes only twice in a lifetime, not more; maximum twice. It comes once in 30 years, so two times for 7 years. When it comes the second time, it is not that severe. One finds it very severe the first time, you feel so bad and the mind goes down, nothing feels right. This is when Jyotishi (astrology) comes to help. If you know that you are going through a particular period, then you wait for time to pass. You turn spiritual, you do more meditation, and all the practices that uplift you, elevate you, pull you through that tough period.

Again, it need not be bad for everybody. If you are already well established in the path, then it can give you lot of success also. It is fascinating to know about all the different planets, their nature, their effect, and their impact.

Hemant here has studied astrology deeply. When I was coming here, he said, ‘Gurudev, a transit (in the planetary position) is happening; there will be some problem in the air', And a plane was shot down (referring to the Malaysian Airline shot down in Ukraine) yesterday. Thus, the planetary positions give indications; again, you cannot say that it will happen 100%.

They only give an indication because there is always a grace element that can change anything, anywhere, anytime. This is the reason for spirituality or sadhana being a step higher than this knowledge.

Astrology is knowledge, it is a necessary knowing. However, there is something more remedial. Sadhna, satsang, devotion, are all remedial measures that help.

Ashram IQ Answer: Narayana Hall!

Narayana Hall is the first Kutir that was built in the Art of Living International Ashram where the first Sudarshan Kriya tape was recorded!

Not only was this the first residence of Sri Sri Ravi Shankarsince this was the only venue available at the time, this is where #SriSri would take meditation and Sudarshan Kriya sessions, and where the kitchen was too!

A special thanks to all who have shared their own stories of this legendary hall!
 — with Prasoon Aol.

Wisdom Dawns
"Jaaneya Anand sada Guru te kirpa karey pyaareya" 
"Kar Kirpaa Kilvikh Katey Gyaan Anjan Saareya" 

(Eternal bliss is only known through the Guru, when the Beloved Lord grants His Grace)
(Granting His Grace, He cuts away our sins; He blesses us with the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom )

-Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Relax - You are taken Care of

"Just believe in God, know that He is there and He will take care of everything for you. He will protect you at all times. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says:

Ananyas chintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate |
Tesham nityabhiyuktanam yoga-kshemam vahamy-aham || (9.22)

Lord Krishna says that once you are surrendered to God, once you take His refuge, then He takes on the responsibility to provide you with all that you need, and also protect that which you already have. This is why Lord Krishna says:‘Yogakshemam Vahamyaham’. Here Yog- means to give you what you have yet to receive and kshema- means to take care of and protect what you have already received.

Both are His responsibility.
Lord Krishna says this very clearly. So just know this and relax."

- Sri Sri

Ashram IQ Time!

What is the name of this legendary hall at the Art of Living International Ashram?

Send in your answers at the earliest! Look out for the answer in tomorrow evening's post.

·         Prasoon Aol According to Shukanaadi... The person from Tamilnaadu who used to read Akashik records he read in the front of Guruji in '97 that... Narayana hall was Rishi Vasishtha's Ashram & Kaamdhenu Cow used to be tied over there... Thousands of years back..!

·         Description:
Prasoon Aol Before this structure there was a small hut kind of temporary structure of Narayana Hall... Which was Guruji's first abode at Bangalore Ashram even befor Shakti Kutir over thre...!
·         Description:
Prasoon Aol Narayana... It's construction completed around in May '97... Then onwards we used to do Satsang over there when we were hardly 15 Ashramites that time... Sometimes Guruji used to take Yoga & also do even Rudra Pooja over there...
·         Description:
Prasad Rai Prasoon Aol Thank u for sharing this beautiful stories with us 
·         Description:
Hiren Aiya Narayana..where 1st kriya tape was recorded
·         Description:
Prasoon Aol First ever 5 days Advance Meditation Program in Guruji's physical absence happened in this Narayana Hall in May '97 with 17 or 18 participants (if I m not wrong) taken by then Raghu Raj Raja... & now he is our Swami Sadhyojata
( Aol Swamiji ) & thus the trend of AMPs started in Gruji's physical absence... Before that all AMPs used to happen only in Guruji's physical presence..!

Dearest Gurudev, it is possible to restore trust in a relationship after a partner cheats? How to get past a cheating partner?

Sri Sri : I can tell you one thing, suppose you were in your partner’s place and you made a mistake; not willingly but unknowingly, or due to some compulsion. If your partner does not forgive you and holds it against you, how would you feel?

Get into your partners place and see. If you were the person who made that mistake, and your partner is not forgiving you, would you feel okay, or would you beg your partner to give you one more chance? This is good enough for you to take a clue.

You expect your partner to be an enlightened person. You expect him to behave in an enlightened way. This is expecting too much from your side. If they have made a mistake once or twice, you should forgive them and give them another chance. This is why spiritual knowledge and the spiritual path is so essential for someone to grow in integrity and in honesty. Without this there cannot be honesty.

If they have made a mistake, your bigness is in forgiving them, you should not make someone feel guilty all the time. If they have done some mistake, you should say, ‘Never mind, forget it! Let us move on'. But we don't do that, instead what do we do? We walk with a finger pointed towards them, which says, ‘You did it!’ Then how can they be friendly with you?

Nobody wants to cheats anyone, it is a temptation or a craving for something more that drives a person to do unethical things. Your soul does not stop until it finds itself, until it finds the ocean of joy. Until then, it keeps going for something more, thinking, ‘I may get something here’. This is what drives a person.

"Despite things being predestined in life, you have the ability and free choice to either endure what happens, or change whatever happens in life" - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Seek to see, 'I am the light', and that it what the Guru is. Guru means the one who removes darkness, misery, loneliness & lack, and brings abundance, because lack is only in the mind."
- Sri Sri

"Life is a combination of happiness and pain. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Having a broad perspective on life gives you the strength to move forward through painful times.

Know that you are very much needed in this world. With all its infinite possibilities, this life is a gift for it can become a fountain of joy and happiness not just for oneself but for many others as well."

- Sri Sri

"If You Want To Come To Me"
- Sri Sri

"Praising me is not enough. I am not satisfied by your praises,gratefulness and gratitude. Do not just keep me on the stage, on the altar, put flowers and say, Jai Gurudev!' Keep me in your heart.When you are grateful, there is also a lot of gratitude and you feel like praising. But all this should be converted into your soul and make you blossom.

Once in a while when you have a problem, you come and say JaiGurudev. Don't say it only some times, say it all the time,everyday and every minute. All these qualities you see in me are also in you.

Only when you keep me in your heart, does guru ship arise in you. Otherwise just doing pad puja (worshiping the feet), saluting and running away, nothing will be born in you. If you only want to garland flowers, then go to temples. There are many idols there. There is no need of a Guru then. Not only that, there are many people in the world,who love to sit and be garlanded. Go and garland them.

If you have come to me, then change. Change from Inside.

There is no happiness in the world which you cannot get by being on the path of knowledge. Once you taste this nectar, everything else will be bitter. Once you begin to float in this, you will never experience a lack of anything in any way in your life.

Don't keep me at a distance. By staying far away from me you have no benefit whatsoever. You are just wasting your time and mine too. Whatever I am, you are that too. Whatever you thought was impossible for you, I have come here to show you that it is possible.."
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

Ques: I don’t speak out my problems to you.. Should I be more vocal or are my silent prayers enough?
#SriSri: As long as things are happening and you don’t feel like verbalizing, its fine. There is no need that you must speak out. Many times u feel lighter when you speak out

Ques: Is there a scientific explanation to Vibhuti and other rings etc.
#SriSri: This is nothing. It is just a technique. What is much more important than that is to bring a change in the mind, change in one’s life.

Ques: When and how can we attain complete control in the five sense? Is total dispassion possible?
#SriSri: Your experience shows, the maturity. You don’t need to exercise control, your maturity. You didn’t make any effort in leaving cotton candies and lollipops. As you grew up your desire for lollipops vanished. Craving for sugar, for company, friends is there in young people. When you grow older you don’t crave for it as much. So as mind as consciousness matures automatically these things don’t interest you. Spontaneously, without any effort. When the sunlight has come you don’t have to put off the candle. Even if the candle is there it is not seen. Candle light has significance only as long as the Sun has not come out. So when inner joy wells up, you don’t need to control your senses. It is a spontaneous happening.

Ques: If men and women are equal, then why does only Lakshmi bow down to Narayana?
#SriSri: When Lakshmi becomes Durga, then everyone bows down to Her. She has to show that She is Durga! Everybody, all Lords, Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara, everyone bows down to Durga.

Ques: How do I get over bulimia?
#SriSri: Take a long time to eat your food. Keep it in your mouth, feel it, chew it 32 times… and pranayama, meditation definitely helps to get over bulimia. Or you fall in love with somebody then also you get over bulimia! When there is love then food is not a big issue.. If you feel a lot of love or you have a purpose in life then bulimia doesn't affect you.

Ques: Is it ok to cry or is it a sign of weakness?
#SriSri: Its ok to cry. No, no, its not a sign of weakness. Tears come when you are grateful, tears come when you are filled with love, tears come when you are in despair. Its an inbuilt thing in your system. Laughing and crying are two important aspects of human life. You came into this world crying. If you would not have cried, your parents would have cried! And when you leave this world, then also people will cry. If they don’t cry then you have not lived a good life. Saint Kabir has said, when you came into this world you cried and everyone else smiled. Do such deeds that when you leave this world, you go with smile and everyone else smiles.

Ques: Does Guru punish a disciple?
#SriSri: Why should he punish? He doesn’t need to punish. If he does wrong he will face the consequences. The Guru doesn’t have to do the job.

Ques: Do dreams create fresh impression?
#SriSri: No dreams do not create impressions. They release impressions. There are 5 types of dreams.. One type is due past impressions, second is due to desires and fear. Third is due to the place you are sleeping, the vibrations. Fourth is a premonition, what is going to happen will come to you as a dream. And fifth is a mixture of all. Ninety percent is the fifth type of dream. Don’t try to analyse your dreams. When you get up, drink water and move on.

Ques: How can I be more creative?
#SriSri: Just relax. In the midst of pressure relax. Take few moments to meditate. It’ll happen automatically.

Ques: Is being jealous for the Guru good?
#SriSri: You can be greedy to do Seva, for higher knowledge.. No need to be jealous. Guru keeps all types of people around Him... But everybody is happy!

Ques: I have heard that everyone is enlightened, they have just not
realised it. Is it just a realization that’s it?
#SriSri: Yes.. See the elephant does know its power. With great love it will just hold your hand and pull you. It doesn’t know that it can break your hand! In the same way, we do not realize our inner potential. We feel that we are the body, mind, a little thoughts, a little emotions.. you are much beyond this.. Enlightenment is simply peeling your layers and becoming hollow and empty. Get to that spot where you feel absolute comfort and absolute freedom. That is Mukti, that is Moksha, that is enlightenment.

Ques: What is Stronger - Karma Yoga or Fate?

Sri Sri: Karma Yoga is complete in itself. Fate supports. If you are a Karma Yogi, then fate supports you.

Fate is that which you have accrued from the past. And you can make your destiny by doing good deeds now.

"You just have to remember this small thing in life - there is a power, i.e. God. He is mine and He is capable of taking care of whatever lack that we might have. Just these three things. If He is for everyone, then He is for me. If He is everywhere, then He is here. If He is in everything then He is in me. Meditation is relaxing with full faith.

It is good to be in silence sometimes. We gain energy by it. When we talk, it drains our energy. If we are silent for some time, then the mind becomes stronger and we gain energy."

- Sri Sri

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today
"The sign that you are in Art of living is that there is a smile on your face. When everything is ok, then anyone can smile. But when there is trouble on you, and even then you smile, then I can say that you are associated with Me. If people curse you and still you smile, then I can say that you have done the Art of Living. If you lose in life, and then you smile saying that there are losses and wins in life, everything will eventually become ok. If you move ahead with this confidence then I will believe that you are with Me.. This is the power of knowledge. Once you blossom then you never wither. If you move ten steps ahead, you may go back eight steps but you can never go back all ten steps."

Ques: I have a complaint. Is it a crime to give you flowers?
#SriSri: But why do you want to give me flowers? If you are giving me flowers then I feel that your giving me a message that I haven’t blossomed yet, please blossom now! Don’t get me flowers and sweets. You keep smiling that is all I want. You blossom! What will I do with flowers?

Ques: Why do kids die?
#SriSri: Do you have trees in your home? Do you have a mango tree? Do small mangoes fall to the ground before they ripen? Why didn’t you ask about that? .. Do all flowers become fruits? All have potential to become fruits, but some fall without becoming fruits. So what can we do about it? We can only put water and soil. If after that also the fruit falls down, can we do anything about it? We can do nothing about it. Similarly in life, we take all the precautions but still some children don’t survive.. Some souls come having decided that they will come only for a certain number of years. What can you do about it? This Creation runs on the power of intentions. Not just yours, everyone’s.

Ques: If God made man then who made God?
#SriSri: Who said who made who? Why are you getting into who made who? It is just the way it is. If God was made by someone, then who made that someone?… Whatever has been made, you live that well.. That is why we call this Anaadi, meaning that which has no beginning. And Anant, that which has no end … if you want me to answer that question, first you answer what is the starting point in a ball? Then I will answer your question.

Ques: What is Dharma?
#SriSri: That which upholds your life. That which doesn't let you fall. That which gives you happiness, peace, brings a wave of happiness and joy in your life. That is Dharma.

Ques: Is it ok if I become selfish to get love?
#SriSri: First see how many people are inconvenienced because of your selfishness. If nobody is affected then you can become selfish. Your being selfish may hurt and inconvenience others, so think and then move forward.

Ques: Why do bad things happen to good people?
#SriSri: Bad things don’t happen to good people because of their goodness. Bad things happen because of their foolishness. You can’t say I’m such a good person, but when I put my finger in the fire it got burnt! You are good but this happened because of lack knowledge or foolishness or some Karma,
Not because of the

Ques: What is faith? Is it ok to be analytical?
#SriSri: Yes, yes! You should analyse, you should have questions. Questions are must. It indicates growth of our intellect. Faith is.. now you are sitting here, your bags are in your room and they will be safe in your room. If you are uncertain if your bags will be in your room when you go back, this is lack of faith. You get into the plane, you know the plane will land. Without you cannot move one inch in life. And there are three levels of faith. One is faith in yourself. Second is faith in goodness of people in the world. Third is faith in a law, a power that is much beyond, much bigger than and very dear to you.

Ques: You say to take the middle path for everything. Should there be a middle path for meditation and spirituality also?
#SriSir: Yes yes. Middle path is for everything. You like meditation very much, I won’t make you sit for meditation for ten hours or two days. You have to gradually do it and do your work also. You have to balance your life between your responsibility and your personal meditation, exercise etc.

Shiva is the energy responsible for transformation. Shiva is remover of obstacles on the path. He is responsible for breaking the old to make way for the new. Shiva is the benevolent one.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

"Who doesn't want happiness? Everyone does anything only for happiness. Can you be happy all by yourself without making others happy? Suppose in your family only you are happy, everyone else is miserable, can you sustain your happiness? Not possible, because everybody's happiness contributes to your happiness. So like in family, society, country, we are interdependent. We have to bring about a wave of happiness in society.. Why? Because till everyone else is happy, you cannot be happy."

Ques: Is it necessary to have dispassion towards Guru also?
#SriSri: That is the last thing. When dispassion is established for everything else, then you need to have dispassion towards Guru.

Ques: When you are there then in our lives then why do we have to suffer? Why don’t you wave you magic wand and take away all problems?
#SriSri: Biggest magic is that u have come here to ask your question! You also have to have something to do. In a movie, hero also has a role, villain also and in the middle also characters have roles.. Life is a game, everyone has a role. In cricket there are 11 people in the field. If bowler is only catching the ball then what is the need for the rest?.. Everyone has their own role.

Ques: If we accept that good and bad qualities both come from God then aren't we making excuses for our bad qualities?
#SriSri: Well if you accept that God only made you steal, then you also have to accept that God came as a policeman to catch you!

Ques: Who is more dear to u? A Bhakt(devotee), Gyaani (one in knowledge), Dhyaani (one who meditates), or Karma yogi (One who does right action)?
#SriSir: All are dear to me.. Only those who intentionally hurt others, do wrong things, for their own greed betray others, only they are not dear to me.

Ques: What are the qualities that youth should have?
#SriSri: First is enthusiasm. One who has enthusiasm is youth. Second is the zeal to work. Third is one who has Shakti (power/ strength). Fourth is forbearance and fifth is one who wants to take up a risk or challenge.. One who moves forward with enthusiasm and puts aside negativities, who wants to do something that is difficult. When people will say it difficult to change the country, the youth will say no we will do it! These are the qualities of youth.

Ques: I am attracted to someone, is that a sin?
#SriSri: Attraction is not sin, giving misery is. You have to ask the other person whether they are attracted also or not. Else there will be trouble for them and you as well!

Ques: It is said that there is some Karma which is reversible and some that cannot be reversed. If we have sinned does that make it irreversible Karma?
#SriSri: Yes there are some Karma which is reversible and some that is irreversible. But you don’t know which is which.. Best is you don’t worry about it. Move ahead. Drop the past and move ahead.

Ques: What if you don’t believe in God and religion, but only in yourself?
#SriSri: You believe in yourself that is good enough. That’s what all religions say, first you know yourself first. You don’t believe in anything, never mind. But be spiritual, meditate. And do seva and satsang.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

Ques: Are you Krishna or Buddha? Were you born enlightened or did you get it through self effort like Buddha? Please don’t say I am both or neither!
#SriSri: You want the answer to be exactly what you want? (laughter) Whatever I am, you first decide who you are. What do you want to become, who are you, decide that first. I am now what I have always been.

Ques: Even after doing Sadhana, seva and stasang I get negative thoughts, I am fearful and feel small in front of others. Pls tell me what to do.
#SriSri: If negative thoughts come, let them. They will go away. If you pick up the mat and clean the floor, then it is obvious that dust will fly! If put the mat down and don’t clean because of the dust then what will happen? The dirt will remain them. Whatever is negativity is coming, it coming for it to be released. Don’t be fearful of negative thoughts. Increase your self-confidence by thinking that God belongs to me or my Soul has the capability or strength and that you are above all this.
Ques: Even though I know what is right and wrong, I keep making mistakes
#SriSri: You keep making mistakes because you think that you will get some pleasure out of it. It is because of the desire for some pleasure. It is greed that makes you make mistakes. There can be no mistake without greed. The only way out of this is to go inward. When you start getting joy in meditation, in being with your Self, you will stop making mistakes.

Ques: In tough times I get very feverish and very disturbed.
#SriSri: Now when that happens you can’t do anything about it. You will eventually get over it. In life there will be times, when your mind will get captured by such situations.. Your mind gets caught in storm. But know this that this storm will pass and everything will become calm again. The clouds are not in your control, in the same way tensions and worries come in your life. But they come for a short while, they will pass.. In every two and a half days, the state of mind changes. So even if you are disturbed, it will stay in that state for only two and half days… and dispassion helps at this point. Knowing that in the end, you will drop this body and all this will end one day. This will free you from all the unpleasant sensations in your mind and body.

August 20
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

"Satsang doesn’t mean you sit everyday and you sing. Satsang also means you sit and introspect what did I do today? How much further did I reach today? Today what good things did I imbibe and what are the bad things. Then leave it and see what is new knowledge for the day. This is satsang. To participate and taking everyone along. This is satsang. Acknowledging your mistakes and surrendering them. What is the truth of life, looking into that… The main thing is getting rid of attachments. I want this, and this.. And why these attachements? Because of lack of knowledge. Not knowing that you will get what you need. ‘Dene wala chhappar phad ked deta hai’. The One Giver always gives in abundance. If you don’t have this faith then there will be fear. If there is fear, then there will be attachment. If there is attachment, then there will be envy. If there is envy there will be jealousy. One follows the other. It is not easy to cross over all this. But yes, it is not impossible either! Look back and see, five or two years back.. have you not changed? If yes, then you are on the right track. Then be happy, don’t fall into guilt. Guilt is as bad as self-praise. So choose the middle path."

"You know you should just drop your question in the question basket. If you keep one question, you lose all other knowledge. Like when you set out to buy salt and that is all that you are focussed on, then if someone brings a diamond to you, will not take that. So keep your mind so open that if a diamond comes your way, you take a diamond and if salt comes your way, you take salt. So keep your mind empty and sit. Many times, you keep a question in your mind and it automatically gets answered. How many of you have experienced this? ( many raise their hands) You ask a question in your mind and it gets answered, you don’t even need to ask it. This relationship should be established. This is the Guru Shishya Parampara. You will get what you need, you don’t even need to ask for it. You are set to ask a question, then it becomes an impediment in receiving other things."

Ques: Does karma play a role in how much knowledge we receive from you. And how much of your physical presence is bestowed on us.
#SriSri: Yes, it depends on karma. And you can also change your karma! It is not written in stone, Karma can definitely be changed.

Ques: I’m appalled by the pettiness and jealousy in me.
#SriSri: Good at least u have at least u have come to this realization. Now drop all that and you leave it to me and be free. Too much self analysis is also not good, and no self analysis is also not good. You should analysis, understand, then drop and move forward. There are two positions, those who never analyse themselves. They always look at others, whether they are right or wrong, always judging others. They never introspect. This is absolutely bad. This is the way to go down. And there are other people who only anaylze themselves all the time. That is equally bad. So we need that middle path. You analyse, drop and move on. When you see that tendency is coming in, the moment you are aware of it, it is already gone.
The more consciousness expands, your mind expands, the more you get into knowledge, more dispassion comes into you, automatically inner decoration will happen. Dispassion is the only cleansing thing. This is very important. Realizing this all ephemeral, this will all change and nothing is permanent.

Ques: I sometimes have no control over our my actions, which is due to my past karmas. Can I change this through Sadhana?
#SriSri: Absolutely. Sadhana, bhakti, seva, satsang, if all this has no effect than what is the point of doing all this.If everything is destiny then what is the use of all this. If you say the medicines won’t work then why will you take it. When you know that the medicine will work, then you will take it. So all the meditation, sadhana that we do, definitely has some effect, that is why we do it.

August 18
Celebrations begin with silence and they should end also with silence.

There are 4 things that show your life’s progress:

First is Samipya. Believing that God, Guru is your own, that is Samipya. Inspite of all obstacles, if you still believe that God is close to you, that is Sampiya.
Then comes Sanidhya, when you start feeling the presence. When you feel that God is with you, inside you, that is Sanidhya. Sanidhya is not bound by time or place. Whenever your mind is peaceful and joyful, you feel Sanidhya.
Then the third is Sarupya, when you feel that God is in every cell your body. In Janmashtami, in India small children are dressed up as Lord Krishna. They want to see God in that form. In other cultures it is considered a sin to dress up as God, but not in India. We want to see ourselves in God’s form.
And then it doesn't end there. Beyond that is Sayujya (Oneness with God)

August 18
"This ancient practice of the Rudrabhishekam, with the chanting of mantras, has been happening since thousands of years. It creates such a deep resonance in our consciousness, because our consciousness is very ancient. The chanting and the pooja creates a very positive environment, and its purpose is to cleanse any negativity in the atmosphere" - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Pics: Glimpses of today morning's Rudra Puja with #SriSri. Rudra Puja every Monday morning, 7am, at the Art of Living International Ashram

August 14
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

Ques: Which is higher, Moksha or Devotion?
#SriSri: When you do not want pleasure, when you do not care for pleasure then you get Moksha. What is Moksha? Freedom from misery. Misery is bondage. To be free from bondage is natural for humans. In fact not just humans, for anyone. If you tie-up a dog even the dog will want freedom form bondage, will want to break away from the chain. This is natural. Nobody wants bondage. To want Moksha is natural. And those who do not even care for Moksha, they attain Devotion. Devotion is a special kind of bondage. It is bondage with infinity. Bondage with the Loved One, that is Devotion.

Ques: What is difference between Saguna and Nirguna Devotion?
#SriSri: You start with Saguna devotion and reach Nirguna devotion. Saguna devotion is love for parents, Guru etc.. after doing all this when the mind becomes quiet and peaceful and you go into Samadhi, then that is Nirguna devotion.

Ques:What is higher than fulfillment?
#SriSri: Fulfillment is the highest. What is higher than that? You are.

August 11
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

Mantras are like seeds. A seed needs to be simply sown. You don’t open the seed and analyse the seed. A fruit you open and you enjoy the fruit. But when there is a seed you don’t open and dissect the seed. You simply put it in the soil and close it. That is why mantras are called ‘beejas’ (seeds). They are the seeds of creation.. It is the sound that is more important. The vibrations of the mantras are more important than the meaning. One sound may have many meanings in different parts of the world.. But the vibration of the sound is the same.. Mantras have vibrations which are universal. The vibration of the mantra which transcends the meaning has an impact on consciousness and that is universal. So its not so important to hold on to the meaning. Though it has some meaning on some level, but at a deeper level, the impact of it is what is most important.

Ques: A few people show too much, too much faith, too much respect.. I wonder if there is something wrong with them or with me.
#SriSri: What I would like to tell you is, stop judging others. Don’t look at others. Look at yourself. There are many different people, they express their feelings differently and there is no need to have a uniformity there. So everyone id free to express the way that they want to.

Ques: How to drop doership?
#SriSri: You just have to wake up and see. It’s a matter of awareness. Just become aware that everything is happening. That’s it. Thoughts are coming into my mind. I’m not bringing in the thoughts. Good thoughts, bad thoughts... are simply coming into my mind. And at that moment when you realize they are all coming, you are not making them come.. you realize, this is it. Then you pray may good thoughts come, may the divinity give me good thoughts. Let the divinity purify my intellect. Prayers are the answer.

Que: What are Maha Vakyas?
#SriSri: Maha means great, vakya means sentences. Great sentences. And one of the great sentence is ‘Thou are That’, you are that. That which is you are seeking, that is what you are. God is not somewhere there in the temples, mosques or church. God is where you are, in your heart. The divinity is right in your heart. That is the greatest sentence. And all this is Divine. That is another great sentence. “Sarvam khalvidam brahma”. All this is Brahma. There are four such great sentences. At different levels of evolution, you are given different knowledge, these sentences, for you to recognize that which is already there.

Ques: What can I do to win your heart? I go around and run after you, but still you don’t look at me. What am I supposed to do to get your attention?
#SriSri: You think I don’t look at you. That is not the case. But you don’t have to run after me. Just be where you are. I am right there with you.

August 11
"Lord Shiva is seated deep in everyone’s heart. He is Nirguna (One who is without form or its attributes). He is Nirakaar (Has no shape or form), and He is the Para-Brahman (Supreme transcendental Consciousness) that is all pervading. Believe in this. This is Rudra Puja." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

August 10
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today celebrates the festival of Rakshabandhan! 

"When we live in society there is always some arguments, misunderstandings, difference of opinion, and all this creates tension and insecurity, fear. When society lives in fear its bound to get doomed. When family lives in fear of each other it is bound to get doomed. Rakshabandhan is a festival of giving assurance to each other that look I am with you. It is a festival of connectivity and giving assurance, confidence to each other that I am there with you, I am committed to help you out, I stand by you. With this assurance fear vanishes. Purpose of Rakshabandhan is to annihilate fear from life. When bonding between people is there then there is no fear. With lack of bonding insecurity comes in. We worry about other people taking things away from us. This fear of somebody snatching things away from you, whether its family or its society, is very strong. This distorts our goodness, our creativity. It shrinks our personality and it badly affects put behaviour towards each other. So Rakshabandhan is an assurance of bonding.. Bonding removes fear and ignorance is removed by putting Chandan or Tika. Tika is put for wisdom. Let wisdom reign in life. The whole festival is to celebrate knowledge and wisdom"

August 9
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

Ques: Anger is weapon and weakness too. How do we stop it from becoming a weakness?
#SriSri: Do you know why we get angry? Because of some weakness in us. We want to do something and are not able to do it.. that makes us angry. If we are capable then why should we get angry? Nobody gets angry with an ant or a fly. We never get angry on someone who is smaller than us. We only get angry with those whom we think are bigger than us, on that which we think is beyond our capability. If we feel that somebody is not listening to us then we get angry. That anger which we actually experience causes us trouble. But sometimes we just show anger, and that is necessary sometimes. That anger we use as a weapon. You show anger, but without getting disturbed on the inside, without blood pressure increasing, without our head bursting, without getting heated up.. Mothers show anger to their children everyday but at the same time they smile at their husbands. These days it can be opposite too! .. But they don’t lose sleep over this anger. So the anger which is for show is ok, it is for someone who does not listen after saying something many times. Showing anger for someone’s benefit is good but anger for your own selfish reasons harms oneself. Getting angry because you are getting disrespected is harmful.

Ques: You have said that affirmations are not very useful for a Sadhak (seeker). “Aham Brahmasmi”(I am Brahman), “Soham” (I am That) also seem to be affirmations. Then how are they different from affirmations?
#SriSri: See you are in Bangalore, you know it, then you don’t need to repeat it. Who would repeat it? The one who is in doubt. If you think you are in Chennai or Delhi then you have to repeat “ No, I am in Bangalore, I am in Bangalore”. Right? Once you got the point then you don’t repeat it. Do you repeat your name? You know who you are.. These affirmations in some subtle way, puts a doubt in you to the contrary. That is why say I say no need of those affirmations . Its ok if you want to use it there is no big harm in it, but it is not all that life transforming as you may expect it to be.

August 8 

First Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the New Meditation Hall!

"When a bhajan is happening, close your eyes and dissolve in the sound. You should just take a bath in the sound. Doesn’t matter what language.. Bathing in the sound energizes the mind. Like when you take a fresh water bath, how your body feels fresh and energized. Similarly when you bathe in the sound, the mind gets energized. So when bhjan is happening, don’t keep looking at somebody’s face, here and there. Keep eyes, closed, just keep bathe in the sound. I keep a watch on everybody, who is looking where! (laughter)"

"Wealth is a cause of comfort and happiness at the same time wealth can be a curse, wealth can be a cause of conflict as well. So today, from ancient times, this month on this Friday, women pray to the divine saying let the wealth that has come into this home be a blessing for us and not a curse. Let this wealth not create conflict, this is the innate prayer. Let there be a lot of wealth, but it should not create conflict, greed, jealousy, court cases.. let these things not happen. Let this give us only peace, harmony and comfort. "

Ques: I don’t know if should take a Sankalpa (strong intention) or surrender?
#SriSri: Listen, You just relax. Why are you troubling yourself by thinking so much? What is it that is yours in the first place, that you have to surrender? Is this body yours? Since when do you have control over it? When you were small this body was not in your control.. somebody took care of it, fed it, bathed it. And when you grow old again you will have to depend on somebody else.. This body belongs to nature and nature takes care of it. And mind belongs to God.. when you are in knowledge then you see that nothing is yours to surrender. If you are not able to surrender then you don’t have to do it.

Ques: – In order to be spiritual is it necessary to follow a Dharma?
#SriSri: What is the meaning of Dharma? Not doing to others what you don’t want others to do to you, that is Dharma. So how can we not follow Dharma. And what is spirituality? Looking inwards, who am I. Dharma is expression, behaviour and spirituality to experience. And both are deeply related.. and both are required.

Ques: It is said that we can learn something for every bird and animal. What can we learn from humans?
#SriSri: Humanity. From humans you can learn two things - what you should do or should not do. You can only learn what should do from birds and animals. They cannot teach you what not to do as they never act against their nature. But humans act against their nature and create trouble for themselves.. There is saying that you should first bow down to one who is an evil person because he makes mistakes himself and takes on bad karma so as to teach us what not to do. So you should bow down to everyone, whether he is a friend or a foe.

August 8
Art of Living International Ashram opens it's doors to a New Meditation Hall!

This grand hall, constructed in a few months, has an area of 27,000 sq.ft., with capacity to seat more than 4500 people!

The hall was inaugurated today, in presence of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, with Inauguration homa, Devi Puja and Varalakshmi Puja.

August 7

Today, we had a very special guest amongst us from Japan: His Excellency Mr. Hakubun Shimomura - Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. 
We were also joined today by: Sri Abhaychandra Jain, Sachidananda Swami, Justice Rama Jois, Justice Venkatachaliah, Arun Madhavan.

H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji's message:

When you consider the whole World as one family, Japan is our first room. The Japanese culture and Indian culture have a very strong relationship. There is a natural bonding between India and Japan.

You know Japan means purity. Here in every home they do Japa (rosary) to purify the mind. The chanting that we do is called Japa. That is a prelude to#meditation.
We welcome you here to come again and again and we welcome Japanese students to visit India. We would like to have a chair for Shinto studies here in India. All the research scholars should do more work. There must be a deep connection.

August 6 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

There is a very intricate connection between time, mind and events. An event has an impact on the mind and time has an impact on the event and time also has an impact on mind, its a triangle. Event is influenced by time and mind is also influenced by event and mind is also influenced by time.
'Mukti' is freeing the mind from time and events. Time and the events we cannot separate but mind we can separate from both time and the event - and the way is meditation.
So it is time makes an event pleasant or unpleasant, makes an event good or bad. and it is event that makes mind pleasant or unpleasant. And it is the time makes mind free or bound. So this is a very interesting combination of time, mind and events. The people who knew this were called 'Devagyas' -the one who knows the divine laws or divine plan. If you know time then you can also manage events, you can also manage mind. The farmer knows which time to sow the seed. Suppose someone sows the seed before the rainy season or when summer is beginning - he is going to get loss. So, the farmer knows when exactly to sow the seed and he knows what time one should harvest. . 
So to know how the event is happening - that itself is a knowledge.. The events are associated with actions. Mind is associated with actions. Time is associated with actions. It's all like a trapezium - actions, events, time and mind. So do the right thing at the right time.

August 5
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in #Satsang today

Ques: How do I act passionately after being trained to be dispassionate?
#SriSri: You cannot create passion. When you love something it simply comes to you. You cannot ask how do I love something. There is no way, no method. Sometimes repetition might create an attachment but I can’t say it is love.. Dispassion can be cultivated to some extent. But compassion and passion cannot be cultivated.

Ques: It is said that energy cannot be created or destroyed, then how can one get Moksha?
#SriSri: Moksha is a drop merging in the ocean. You cannot make the ocean disappear, nor can the drop stop its existence totally. The drop will merge in the ocean and become the ocean. Like the space in the pot cannot be destroyed, it can only be merged with the greater space. When the mud pot breaks the space inside and outside becomes one. Moksha is realizing I am free, I am space. I am not just the body. Body is a container, but I am Spirit. This is experience is what is called Moksha.

Ques: How to be compassionate towards those who do not behave properly?
#SriSri: If you broaden your vision you will see from a different from a different angle. The person whom you are getting angry with, you will feel compassion for them. They are rude because somewhere in their psyche there is roughness, there is discomfort.. they haven’t received as much knowledge, as much love as you have They don’t have as much wisdom as you have. So they are behaving like that. This understanding comes to you. When understanding comes, compassion comes.

Ques: Our horoscopes are based on our birth times, but we came on the Earth, 9 months back in our mother’s womb. Is it possible that our horoscopes are wrong?
#SriSri: If the timing is correct, interpretation is correct, then also you can never say 100% the horoscopes are right. It’s always a probability – 80% or 90%, 98% probability. And there is always an unknown power’s influence that can happen anytime. And that is what is called grace. The grace has an ability to change anything.

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